Universiti Sains Malaysia Library 


Microforms Collection

PHS Microforms Collection

PHS Microforms Collection consists of resources in the forms of microfiche and microfilms and can be read using the microform reader machines. This collection is located at USM Archives, Level 3, Hamzah Sendut Library, Universiti Sains Malaysia and can be accessed from 8.30 am – 4.30 pm on working days Please contact 04-6535371 for further information.

ERIC Documents

The ERIC (Documents on Microfiche) is a microfiche collection issued by the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) which selects, indexes and abstracts documents and reports dealing with education and educational research. Documents from 1966 – 2000 are available on microfiche in USM Library. The microfiche are arranged consecutively by a six-digit ED (ERIC Document) number (for example, ED 123678). To link to an ERIC document that is online, use the following URL and change the ED number at the end to the one you need: http://www.eric.ed.gov/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=ED485166 Patrons can access the collection, print out paper copies or download them from the microfiche using the Library’s microfiche reader/printers.

Colonial Office Files (1844 – 1951)

Microfiche collection consistes of Colonial Office Files pertaining to British Malaya.

Indeks Mikrofilem majalah & Akhbar Tempatan (1785 – 2003 / Local Magazines & Newspapers Microfilm Indexes (1785 – 2003)

Microfilm collection consists of rare magazines and newspapers of old Malaya.

Straits Settlements Records / Rekod Negeri-negeri Selat (1800 – 1966)

Microfilm collection consists of records, correspondence, index to records of administration of Straits Settlements of Malaya.


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