Universiti Sains Malaysia Library 

Managing Research Data

Research Data Management Division USM Library

Publication Guides

The publication guide offers various resources to help researchers identify high-impact journals for their research. One of these resources is SCOPUS. The researchers can find the relevant journal titles for publishing and check the discontinued list from SCOPUS.

Another resource is the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), which provides information on journal performance metrics indexed in the Web of Science, including the Journal Impact Factor (JIF). Researchers can identify Quartiles and other relevant metrics for journals.

Other resources also could be considered by the researchers to identify the other index journal titles in MyJurnal, MyCite and ERA for publishing the articles in the journal.

The library also provides the Directory Open Access Journal and Journal List from USM. This directory will help you to find the open access journals worldwide and details about the journals including APC and country. While the researchers also can find journals published by USM with various fields of study.

The guide also includes the MyRA Glossary, which provides definitions of common terms related to research assessment, as well as lists of journals from various databases, including Scopus, ERA, Web of Science, MyCite, Myjurnal and USM journals.

In addition, a list of predatory journals from Beall’s List can help researchers to refer and avoid submitting their works to disreputable journals and publishers.


Journal List (SCOPUS)

Content types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) such as journals, book series and some conference series, or non-serial publications that have an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) like one-off book publications or one-off conferences. To check if a title is on Scopus, visit the freely available Source Title page, or consult the titles lists below.

       Source Title Page

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Titles lists (includes discontinued sources list)

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Journal List (WOS)

The Web of Science Core Collection™ includes the Science Citation Index Expanded™ (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index™ (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index™ (AHCI), and Emerging Sources Citation Index™ (ESCI). Web of Science Core Collection includes only journals that demonstrate high levels of editorial rigor and best practice. The Journal Citation Reports™ includes journals from the SCIE and SSCI.

Each collection list download includes the journal title, ISSN/eISSN, publisher name and address, language, and category.
You will need a free Master Journal List login to access the download files.

       Titles lists

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       Titles lists (with citation reports)

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Journal List (ERA)

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Journal List (MyCite)

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Jurnal List (MyJurnal)

MyJurnal is a online system used by Malaysia Citation Centre (MCC) to collect and index all the Malaysian journals.
MyJurnal’s main objectives are to:-

  • increase access to the contents of Malaysian journals to the global community; and

  • improve the visibility of contents, hence, encouraging usage and generating citations to articles published.

MyJurnal contains bibliographic data and full text contents of articles published in refereed scholarly journals in Malaysia, in various disciplines such as Arts & Humanities, Engineering & Technology, Medical & Health Sciences, Sciences and Social Sciences. These articles include review papers, research articles, technical papers and working papers.

As MyJurnal caters to publishers, researchers and individuals alike, users can look forward to the following:-

  1. Intuitive and user-friendly internet-based system

  2. Convenient one-stop repository for Malaysian scholarly journals

  3. Free access to full text information of articles where copyright permits

MyJurnal is provided by the Malaysia Citation CentreMinistry of Higher Education, Malaysia.

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Journal List (USM Journal)

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Directory Open Access Journal

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a website that lists open access journals and is maintained by Infrastructure Services for Open Access (IS4OA). The project defines open access journals as scientific and scholarly journals that meet high quality standards by exercising peer review or editorial quality control and “use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access”.

The Budapest Open Access Initiative’s definition of open access is used to define required rights given to users, for the journal to be included in the DOAJ, as the rights to “read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles”. The aim of DOAJ is to “increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact”.

As of March 2015, the database contained records for 10,000 journals. An average of four journals were being added each day in 2012. In May 2016, DOAJ announced that they had removed approximately 3,300 journals from their database to provide better reliability on the content listed on it. The journals that were removed can reapply as part of an ongoing procedure. As of 25th February 2018, the database now contains 11,210 journals.

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Title of Suppression (Web Of Science / JCR)

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MyRA Glossary

Glosari MyRA I (Pindaan 2018)

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Glosari MyRA II (Pindaan 2018)
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