Universiti Sains Malaysia Library 

"Towards Sustainable Future Libraries”

Hotel Ascott Gurney, Penang 23-24 September 2025


The International Conference on Libraries (ICOL) 2025

September 23-24, 2025
Ascott Gurney Hotel, Penang

The International Conference on Libraries (ICOL), organized by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Library since 2005, will celebrate the 20th years anniversary in 2025 with its seventh edition. Scheduled for September 23rd - 24th, 2025, at Penang, Malaysia, the conference will focus on the theme "Towards Sustainable Future Libraries."

Sustainable future libraries embracing practices, technologies, and strategies aimed at ensuring long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Libraries are adopting eco-friendly designs and technologies, such as energy-efficient buildings, green certifications, and the use of renewable energy sources. Future libraries are leveraging emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), digitization, and cloud computing, to create more efficient and accessible services. It also prioritizes open access to information and resources, providing free or low-cost access to digital collections, research papers, and educational materials.

ICOL 2025 will serve as a platform for information professionals from Malaysia and beyond to share knowledge, discuss trends, and explore developments in librarianship and information technology. It has grown to become one of the major events for information professionals in Malaysia. The program’s presentations are also applicable to public, academic, school, and special libraries’ interests.

What to Expect

  • Knowledge-sharing sessions aligned with the theme
  • Trade exhibition showcasing product innovations and new technologies
  • Poster presentation competition for librarians, researchers, and academics

The poster competition aims to promote knowledge sharing and innovation, featuring the latest research, projects, and ideas in line with the conference theme.


  • To provide a platform for sharing knowledge, expertise, personal experiences, and professionalism through the presentation of papers and research.
  • To foster relationships, promote collaboration, and exchange experiences in the field of librarianship.
  • To discuss issues, challenges, and strategies to position information professionals as relevant, referred, and respected through intellectual discourse and paper presentations

Target Audience

Professional Librarians, Information Specialists, Knowledge Managers, Researchers, Academics, Students, And Individuals or Companies involved in the field of librarianship and information management

Call for papers & posters

Towards Sustainable Future Libraries” 

  1. Future-Proofing Libraries’ Goals:
    Adaptation to technological advances, including artificial intelligence (AI); resilience in library and research support services; evolution of library spaces; sustainability and long-term planning; community engagement; and support for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  2. Visionary Leadership and Governance for Future-Ready Libraries:
    Transformative leadership, navigation of funding challenges for financial sustainability, and development of a future-oriented library workforce 
  3. Collaborative Partnerships for Sustainable Libraries:
    Collaboration and partnership among libraries, educational institutions, NGOs, government agencies, and private sectors for sustainability initiatives, including digital inclusion, resource sharing, library development, and equitable access to knowledge
  4. Information Literacy and Combatting Misinformation:
    The library's role in the collection, curation, and provision of access to knowledge; the promotion of information literacy; and the education of communities to combat misinformation and disinformation
  5. Knowledge Preservation and Innovative Digital Archiving:
    Innovative approaches to the preservation of valuable resources related to sustainability, cultural heritage, and scientific progress, particularly in the context of digitization, open access, and long-term accessibility 
  6. Supporting Open Science and Effective Research Data Management:
    Facilitation and promotion of the principles of open science, including open access publications, open data, open educational resources, citizen science, data stewards, open software and hardware, and the fostering of good research data management activities throughout the research data lifecycle
  7. Navigating Legal, Ethical, and Copyright Challenges in Library Practices:
    Exploring the complex interplay of legal, ethical, and copyright issues in library practices, focusing on ensuring equitable access to information while safeguarding privacy and intellectual property rights
  1. Selection of papers/posters for the conference will be based on the abstracts.
  2. Submit your abstracts through https://linktr.ee/icolpapers by 10 April 2025.
  3. Please follow the template provided for submission of abstract to ensure consistency and facilitate the review process.
  4. All abstracts must be written in English.
  5. The full paper template will be provided to authors after the notification of acceptance.
  6. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and accepted poster will be published in the conference website.
  7. Selected papers will be published in selected journals (indexed in MyCITE/SCOPUS)
  8. Selected poster will be announced as the best poster award.


Conference Oral and Poster

Abstract submission deadline: 10 April 2025
Notification of acceptance: 12 May 2025
Full paper/Poster submission deadline: 14 June 2025
Camera-ready: 30 August 2025
Conference: 23-24 September 2025


If you have any inquiries regarding the submission of abstracts, please do not hesitate to contact Mohd Ikhwan Ismail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Please visit our website (https:lib.usm.my/index.php/icol) and ICOL 2025 Facebook page (https:www.facebook.com/icol2025) for further information.

 We look forward to your participation!

Event Speakers

will be updated soon




  • 8:00 AM


  • 9:00 AM

    Opening Ceremony  

    1. National Anthem
    2. Prayer Recitation
    3. Welcome Speech by USM Chief Librarian
    4. Keynote Address 1 by USM Vice-Chancellor
  • 10:30 AM

    Morning Tea

  • 11:00 AM

    i.  Session 1
    ii. Poster Presentations

  • 12:30 PM

    Networking Lunch

  • 2:00 PM

    Session 2

  • 3:15 PM

    Session 3

  • 4:30 PM

    i.  Hi Tea: A 20th Year ICOL Celebration 
    ii. End of Day 1



  • 8:00 AM


  • 8:30 AM

    Session 4

  • 9:45 AM

    Morning Tea

  • 10:15 AM

    Keynote Address 2

  • 11:15 AM

    Session 5

  • 12:45 PM

    Networking Lunch

  • 2:15 PM


  • 4:00 PM

    Closing Ceremony

    1. Best Oral Presentation
    2. Best Poster Presentation
    3. Lucky Draw
  • 4:30 PM
    1. Afternoon Tea
    2. End of Day 2

Ascott Gurney Hotel, Penang
      Conferece Hall

    Exhibition Hall

Recommended Accommodation

Register Now

CategoryRegistration Fees (participant/paper presenter)




PPM Member


Poster Presentation
( add-on for printing & stand )
CategoryRegistration Fees (participant/paper presenter)




PPM Member


Poster Presentation
( add-on for printing & stand )

 Note: All fees inclusive of taxes

Past Events

ICOL 2005

"Towards a Knowledge Society"

ICOL 2007

"Emerging Trends"

ICOL 2009

"Transforming Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow"

ICOL 2012

"Transformation to Humanize Libraries"

ICOL 2015

"Openness Paradigm : Emerging Knowledge Ecologies"

ICOL 2017

"Towards Lean Libraries"

Typography and Color Harmony

  • The typography used in the logo represents simplicity and modernity, aligning with the professional image of ICOL.
  • The colors also signify the color of USM. The combination of deep purple and vibrant orange embodies a perfect balance between wisdom, ambition (purple), and energy, creativity (orange). This color pairing creates an eye-catching yet professional appeal.

Central Symbol within the 'O'

  • The network icon inside the 'O' symbolizes connection, collaboration, and innovation, emphasizing ICOL’s commitment to fostering networks and partnerships.

Bold Lettering

  • The boldness of the font conveys strength, reliability, and a clear presence in the industry. It ensures visibility and memorability.
  • The capital letters project authority and trustworthiness, making the logo suitable for a corporate or professional context.

Minimalistic Design

  • The clean, minimalist approach reflects professionalism and focus, resonating with a modern audience.
  • The simplicity ensures adaptability across various platforms, from digital to print, while maintaining brand integrity.
In conclusion, the ICOL logo communicates professionalism, innovation, and connection through its thoughtful design elements. It is adaptable for diverse applications while maintaining a strong brand identity.

Contact Us

For futher information, please contact us at:

ICOL 2025 Secretariat
Perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 USM Penang

+604-653 5374
Tuan Sira Zawana Tuan Yaakub

+604-653 5018
Nur Fareesha Aqmal Mohd Rasid

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



USM Library will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of any information obtained from this website.

Contact Us

Hamzah Sendut Library, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang, Malaysia

Tel : +604 - 653 3720 
Fax : +604 - 654 2508
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 

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All Rights Reserved

  • Last Modified: Friday 21 March 2025.
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